Monday, November 4, 2013

Some Scary Video Games if you're still in the Halloween mood!

1. Silent Hill Homecoming 
This is a perfect game for the Halloween season, if the plain title of the game doesn't scare you the content will. Silent Hill was released in 2008 for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC systems like Steam. The game puts you in the shoes of Alex Shepherd, a solider returning home from war. He finds his town in disarray and that his younger brother is missing, quite a task to come home to. Sets him on an adventure to find his brother and along the way find out some very interesting things about his former town he did not know. Here is a video of some game content.

2. Dead Space 2
Dead Space 2 is a great game if you are still in the scary Halloween mode. Dead Space 2 was released in February 2013 with great success. It was the sequel to Dead Space, and the publishers Electronic Arts said they plan on having a third Dead Space 3. This first person shooter game follows Isaac Clarke as he fights a Necromorph outbreak on the Sprawl, a space station above Saturn's largest moon Titan. This game has some great moments of intense action and fear, here is a quick video showing some game play.

3. F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
If the name doesn't already say it itself, F.E.A.R. 2 is a great game if you are in the mood to be scared. F.E.A.R. 2 is a game published by Warner Bros and is a first person shooter. F.E.A.R. 2 was a sequel to F.E.A.R. and was released on February 10th, 2009. The game follows Micheal Becket the point man for a swat team. The girl ghost Alma haunts Micheal as he tries to see her way and help her. This game is very jumpy, if you are willing to get startled and scared often. Here is some game play of F.E.A.R. 2.

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