Thursday, November 14, 2013

PlayStation 3 - to the new PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4- The next era in gaming!

The PlayStation 4 comes out for everyone to buy at midnight on 11/15/13 so only a few hours left until you can make the purchase yourself. If you are hesitant to make the purchase here is some more information about it. With some testers and people getting their hands on this system early this is some things they had to say. Sony was in the spotlight with the PlayStation 2 but really took a step back from the limelight when they released the PlayStation 3 against tough competitors like the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii. With this release of the PlayStation 4 reviewers are saying that this next gen could belong to Sony.

Here is some more reviews from another respected video game reviewer.
The release of the PlayStation 4 is going to bring gamer's a new experience when gaming. The graphics are not getting improved but mostly the play style. The characters in games as well as the details in the background will be the most improved aspects of games on the PlayStation 4. This does not sound like much but when coming to gamer's anything that can make the gamer feel more out of this world and in that one is a major plus. Another great thing about the new PlayStation is the price. When the PlayStation 3 was released with the major price tag of $600 dollars it through a lot of people for a groove and turned them away. The PlayStation 4 even being a new console is said to release with the price tag of $399 which is much more affordable for the daily gamer as well as the intense ones. Here is an overview of everything the PS4 will have to offer. Review of PS4

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