Thursday, November 14, 2013

Riot Games- League of Legends

Riot Games

Riot Games has not been around for very long but the time they have spent in the gaming community has been significant to say the least. Riot Games was founded in 2006 in California by Brandon Beck and Marc Merrill. Riot Games right now is best known for their single release and only game League of Legends. League of Legends debuted on October 27th, 2009 as a free to play game and is still free to play today. You can simply download the game from the internet and play instantly here is a link if you are interested. League of Legends League of Legends makes its money off of microtransactions through the game. Players play the game to unlock champions after a certain period of time but if the player wants a champion early they can pay some real money to get it early. Also League of Legends offers skins and bundle packs and boosts that players can buy with real money. Many people choose to do this while others reserve the right to play completely for free. With these microtransactions Riot is estimated $200 million in revenue in 2013. League of Legends is now currently on its fourth season and just finished its third and most successful season. So successful that for the World Championships final it was held in the renown Staples center in Los Angeles and was sold out. They were able to market their League of Legends product hugely at this event to the millions of people who turned in to watch. Here is some footage of that big day for Riot Games.

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