Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blizzard Entertainment- The Background of a Groundbreaking Developer

Blizzard Entertainment Inc. 

Blizzard Entertainment is a groundbreaking video game developer and publisher that was founded by three UCLA graduates Micheal Morhaime, Allen Adham, and Frank Pearce. These three men started Blizzard Entertainment on February 8th, 1991 under the name Silicon & Synapse. This starting name took on a few video game projects but soon became known as Blizzard Entertainment Inc. in 1994 when it was acquired by distributor Vivendi. This is when Blizzard Entertainment launched its first very successful game that got their name out into the public eye. This game was Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, here is a quick video of the game play.

After this success with this first release in the Warcraft series came the second release in the series Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness. This game was pretty similar to the first but saw great success because of the already great following of the first game. Here is some game play of Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness you can see some subtle differences in the two games.

The Warcraft series then took a break for awhile and the Diablo era came into existence on December 31st, 1996. This was the first Role Playing Game (RPG) released by Blizzard Entertainment and was a huge success with their already good fantasy game followers. This game put you in control of a customizable avatar that you can control fight with and level up. The point of the game was to fight evil off and level up to eventually fight Diablo himself and avenge your parents death. Here is the end fight of this first great RPG for Blizzard.

Taking after the Warcraft game play style Starcraft was the next game for Blizzard to tackle. Starcraft saw huge success just as all Blizzard games did with everyone talking and telling their friends about it. Starcraft took Warcraft's old bows and swords and turned it into guns and lasers. With this new look on an old game people hopped on the Starcraft train and only boosted Blizzards popularity in the gaming community. With the success of the first Starcraft it didn't take long for Blizzard to come out with an expansion pack for the game Starcraft Brood War. Everyone loved these games and wanted more but Blizzard would wait a whole fifteen years until the newly released Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm in 2013. Some game play of Starcraft II below.

Some would blame that long wait on what the gaming community would say was Blizzard's biggest success and what made their name so big was World of Warcraft. World of Warcraft is a Massively multiplayer online role playing game or MMORPG. This game took what Diablo and Diablo II had and made it even better. World of Warcraft through gamer's into a whole new world that they could change and control with an avatar. Work with and fight real people online all them time, which made gamer's obsessed and live the life of their avatar. This game has had over 10 million subscriptions and made Blizzards bank account and popularity fly above competitors. Here is a quick cinematic of World of Warcraft.

 There has been four expansion packs since the release and has taken up most of Blizzards time but with the popularity dying down around World of Warcraft one more expansion is planned but Blizzard just recently announced they will be going back to their roots. With the release of a new Diablo and Starcraft Blizzard recently released they will be reworking the old Warcraft series and also undertake a new mutliplayer online battle arena game Heros of the Storm. Here is a quick video of the new game style.

With all these accomplishments its no surprise that Blizzard Entertainment has a lot to offer the gaming community and will as well in the future. Gamer's like me appreciate the hard work and dedication Blizzard has put into their products. This blog has only touched on the outside of all the things Blizzard has to offer, if you would like to learn more just follow this link. Blizzard Entertainment

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