Sunday, September 29, 2013

Introduction of the blog and me!

Hello visitors my name is Andrew Erenberger and this is my first blog post of my life. Pretty pumped to finally get underway with this blog and create it and shape it to my liking. This blog is going to generally focus on video game companies that have done a great job utilizing great marketing strategies to make their product popular. Again this is my blog so information could be somewhat bias but if you would like to chat you can leave a comment, send me an email at, or follow me on twitter @videogamemarket! Some things you can look forward to me writing about is the almost concluded League of Legends worlds tournament, the best-selling video game of all time Grand Theft Auto V, and about companies such as Blizzard Entertainment and Williams Interactive. I thought I would take some time to introduce myself as well. I am a senior marketing management major at the University of Northern Iowa. I was born and raised in Iowa my whole life but would like to live somewhere else in the future for at least a short time. I chose to write my blog about video game marketing because I would love to work for a video game company in the future and use my marketing skills I have acquired throughout my college career to help boost sales and interest in our product. This blog will help me dive deep into companies and find out the best way to do these type of things in the video game community, and see how the best succeed and stay there. Another reason I am writing this blog about video games is because they have been a big part of my life. Not only playing video games myself but following the professional community of games I really enjoy. Professional gaming is a growing interest in the United States and I believe it will continue to see growth far into the future. If you have anymore questions about me or my interest don't be hesitant to contact me with the above information, otherwise from here on out it will be more professional talk not about myself. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoy!

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