Friday, October 25, 2013

5 Most Sold Video Games for the XBOX 360

5. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2  -    7.6 Million Copies Sold 

        Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 or COD 2 which people like to refer to it as was designed and released on November 10th, 2009. It is a first person-shooter style video game and was developed by the team at Infinity Ward and then published by Activision. This was the first game that really took the COD franchise to the next level and sparked the interest and love of many first person-shooter enthusiasts. Here is a quick video of the trailer with some game-play and also a link if you are interested in purchasing the game.
                                                        Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 

4. Minecraft -   8 Million Copies Sold

       Minecraft came out first on the PC on May 17th 2009, and had some major popularity after a few years. Then Minecraft decided to become available on the Xbox Live arcade on May 9th 2012. This saw huge success and popularity with the Xbox community and launched many creative YouTube videos which only boosted the games popularity. Here is a link to some of those great videos to view yourself and the official trailer for Minecraft.
                                                           Crazy Minecraft Creations

3. Halo 3- 8.1 Million Copies Sold 

       The Halo series of first person-shooters have been a great success for Xbox, many people going with this console for the sole reason to be able to play this game because it is not offered on others. Halo 3 was developed by Bungie and released on September 25th 2007 in the United States. The Halo series really helped launch the popularity of Xbox Live where you could get on and face your friends or complete strangers with Master Chief and save the world from alien invasion. Here is the trailer and also some great Xbox live Halo 3 kills.
                                                               Halo 3 Great Online Plays

2. Call of Duty: Black Ops   12 Million Copies Sold 
      Call of Duty breaks the list again at the number two spot with 12 million copies sold. This first person-shooter was not developed by the same as our number 5 COD game. This one was developed by Treyarch but again published by Activision. Call of Duty: Black Ops was released to the public on November 9th, 2010 and sold 5.6 million copies the first night. Here are some sweet kills people made during game play.
                                                                 Call of Duty: Black Ops  

1. Grand Theft Auto V-  16 Million Copies Sold

      Number one on the list is also the newest game on the list and was just released under a month ago on September 17th, 2013. Grand Theft Auto V or GTAV is a open world action adventure video game which was developed by Rockstar Games. GTAV is the newest of the GTA series of games and most popular one. This video game has topped the charts in all entertainment sales on its release. With more copies sold each day GTAV will go down as the most popular form of entertainment for a while to come. Here is the trailer and a link to buy this fresh new game.
                                                           Grand Theft Auto V Purchase